
#46 - The art of selling vs. the skill of buying

Sneaker Traveller at the Miami Beach
Some time ago I was spending a great vacation in Miami with my family. One day we went to the beautiful Miami Beach. It was nice to swim in the ocean and the water was really warm. Midday sun was shining and we got thirsty. Luckily we were close to Ocean drive, the most famous street full of nice restaurants and fancy sports cars. We were attracted by the Kitchen, because they offered huge Mojitos and other cool drinks. Probably one liter per drink and there was happy hour offer to pay one and get two drinks. We had a plan to go for drinks only, as we were going to have a nice dinner at the evening. However, the good smell of food changed our mind.

Miami Vice is a cool drink and there was plenty of it

We asked if the restaurant serve small snacks that could be shared by the family. Yes, we have, was the answer. Then the waitress asked us if we want this or that... The list of questions was long and at least I lost my control and understanding what we really ordered.

Drinks were tasty and the food was very good and there was enough of it for the whole family. However, that was only a starter. We were surprised when we got another portion. That was a huge main course of tasty fish, shrimps, lobsters, scallops, chicken, ribs, steak and so on. We tried to eat all of that, but could not finish it all. However, the waitress rewarded us by confirming that no-one before has been eating that much. Normally they take plenty of food back to home in a doggy bag.


Tasty lunch
It was a frightening moment to wait for the check. However $438 was chocking. Even the gratuity was more than the regular lunch for a family at home. This is one of the memories you do not easily forget. That night we skipped the dinner. None of us was against the change in the plans. I felt so happy when I stepped in a tourist bus with my fresh Mojito to enjoy. It was happy hour and I had almost forgotten that.

Check Please - Just a light lunch
Mojito doggy pack at the Ocean Drive

Lessons learned:
Everyone is not a natural sourcing professional.
The art of selling does not always match with the customer need.

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