
#43 - Wrong exit

Some time ago I got an inspiration of learning new by interacting with a group of innovation experts. That was a good reason for a visit to Bonn Germany. I had a clear travel plan; flight from Helsinki to Frankfurt and train from the airport to Bonn. However, the plan was not enough. I was queuing next to a ticket automat in order to buy train ticket to Bonn. The operation of the machine seemed complicated. I followed the actions of the previous persons buying their tickets and learned how to buy tickets to Colon. When it was my turn, I managed to do exactly the same; i.e. buy a single ticket to Colon. Next I was sitting on a train. After a while the train arrived happily at Colon and hurried out of the train. After my first step outside the train, I realized that this is not the place where I should be. I should be in Bonn. I did not know where the train was continuing and I did not remember the location of Colon compared to Bonn. The train departed before I could even open the Internet access on my smart phone. There I was at the railway station of Colon. After checking the price, I jumped into a taxi. With such a speeding I was very quickly in Bonn and the harm was mainly mental.

Lessons learnt:
Plan is not enough, proper execution completes the targeted results.
Copy with pride is a good principle, but does not suit all the situations.


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