
#42 - Proactive move

Returning back from a long trip is often tiring, which is why I usually took taxi to Tampere airport. Thus it was almost a reflex to walk straight to the taxi queue after arrival. Sometimes there were too few taxis and you needed to wait a long time in the middle of the night to get your taxi. This time I had made an exception and my car was waiting for me at the airport parking.

While flying back from Europe to Helsinki, I remembered my car and decided not to drink any wine with the meal. However, after landing to Helsinki I decided to be clever and avoid long queuing, so I called to Tampere taxi center and ordered taxi to the airport.

The next morning I woke up and felt happy, until my wife asked me about the car. That’s when I remembered that the car is still at the airport. When you are tired, do not try to be cleverer than you are.

Lessons learned:
Do not make decisions when you are exhausted.
Remember proactive thinking.

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