
#35 - Permilles and Line dancing

Go Mavericks
After arriving to our hotel at Dallas we were hit by the tight training course schedule. The brave volunteers headed right away to the American Airlines Center, the home of Dallas Stars NHL team and Dallas Mavericks NBA team. This time the ice was covered with a parquet floor and Mavericks was playing. I was impressed with the skills of Dirk Nowitski, as well as Steve Nash who was very quick but seemed so tiny (only 6 ft 3 in, 191 cm) compared to other players. That was the best basketball event I have ever seen and at the time of writing it was the only one, as well. The arena, show and the atmosphere were really exciting.

Our training was arranged at a hotel next to the golf course, so I enjoyed my early morning jogging in the putting greens before the golf players woke up. Also the lunches at a terrace next to golf course made a deep impact to me. Especially the lunch discussion about the very tight drunk driving limits in USA, especially in Texas.  US colleagues were complaining their tight laws. The limit of 0.1 means that you cannot drink almost any alcohol if you drive, they protested. They were also envy about the loose limit 0.5 in Finland. I was a bit confused after the lunch discussion, because I had always thought that the drunk-driving laws in the USA are looser than the Finnish ones. However, later on I realized that we Finns spoke about permilles while the Americans spoke about percents. You should know that in this subject matter it plays a big difference. Anyway, do not drive if you drink is the best rule in my opinion.

Cowboys on a ride

The course was very educative. We were even practising local line dancing at Billy Bob’s Texas, the world’s largest Honky Tonk. Unfortunately I have kept the line dancing skills latent, because I have not had an opportunity to shine with the skill during the last two decades.

Anyways, even if the trip was educative, I was a bit disappointed that I did not see any of the Ewings out there, no sight of JR, Bobby, Jock or Miss Ellie.

Lessons learnt:
There is always time to have fun.

The triangle of Dallas, Billy Bob's Texas and our hotel

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