
#34 - Finnish tango

On air - Finnish tango in the sky

Couple of weeks after the most famous 9/11 date I was flying to Dallas USA with a group of Finnish colleagues. On our first flight to Chicago I followed different kinds of people, as well as different ways of travelling. Some people skipped the airline meal and started sleeping as soon as the flight departs, some people enjoyed meal with wine, some people enjoyed watching movies, and some people listened to their favourable music with their noise cancelling headphones. All that was regular, but on the other hand, that was the first time I heard an airline passenger singing Finnish tango with high volume in the middle of the flight. After a couple of beers and cognacs every Finn becomes a tango singer. Mr. K got a lot of audience with his singing. I felt so lucky to sit in front of the singer. Even the non-Finnish passengers far away from the singer seemed to note the talent, so tens of passengers were following the singer. Despite the success, Mr K. did not pursue professional singer career after the trip.

At the Chicago airport the US airport security control was heavy duty due to the recent 9/11 hits. Despite of that, I managed to fool the system by walking through the metal detection gate with a mobile phone in my pocket. I realized to have some hidden talent, a positive sign for future job opportunities. However, our tango singer, Mr. K. was less talented fooling the US airport security system. The officers were trying to arrest the noisy singer, but luckily a group of colleagues managed to change the mind of the officers.

Lessons learnt:
Quality matters (not only quantity or volume).

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