
Guiding principles by Sneaker Traveller

Life around the world is full of learning. Just keep your curiousness and start learning. Without open mind, you may end up seeing the world only through the window of a taxi.

In addition to enjoying your private life, you have all the power to enjoy your hectic business travel, e.g. by supplementing the long meetings and late email sessions by energizing early morning runs and tasty dinners in a good company.

My life-long journey has been the university of my Life.  My key learning is summarized below into the guiding principles that directing my daily decisions in business and pleasure. Think about those and copy with pride into your life.

The background for the the guiding principles can be found from the previous Sneaker Traveller blog stories. As you note, life is continuous learning.

·      Dreams tend to come true.
·      If there is a will, there is a way.
·      If you are looking for personal success, set your targets high enough.
·      It ain’t so easy to get to Paradise.
·      Just do it attitude is a key of success.
·      Courage to jump into challenge will be rewarded.
·      Have courage to ask questions – There are no stupid questions.

·      Have courage to admit your mistake, carry on the consequences and go on full speed.

·      Jump into the situation and the tension is gone.

·      Nothing is impossible – Impossible is nothing.
·      If you can dream it, you can do it.
·      If you work hard, all the effort will be rewarded (sooner or later).

    What does not kill you makes you stronger.
·      Every cloud has a silver lining – even the ash cloud.
·      Problems tend to go away.
·      Remember proactive thinking.
·      Do not give up – Persistency is rewarded.
·      Challenge the well-known aspects.
·      Quality first – Quality matters.
·      Business is pleasure.
·      It is not all about the destination, but also how to get there.
·      Aim to the best, but be ready for the worst.

·      Prioritization – first things first.
·      Good plan – only half done.
·      Remember to adjust your plans to the situation.
·      Time is a scared resource – use it wisely.
·      Be well prepared.
·      The devil is in the details.

·      Sometimes the reality hits the fool’s paradise.
·      Take care of your brand image consistently.
·      Customer insights - Seeing gives more than reading.
·      Plan is not enough, proper execution completes the targeted results.
·      Think before you act.
·      Sometimes you have to choose between the bad options.

·      Retain your agility – be ready to change according to situation.
·      Do not make decisions when you are exhausted.
·      Be open-minded; do not make a decision based on prejudices.

·      Curiosity is a key of innovation.
·      Innovativeness is a virtue.
·      Coaching culture – Kick-start your learning with a senior coach.
·      Talent is temporal – it is only your responsibility to keep up your competences.
·      We should learn from Chinese service.
·      Copy with pride is a good principle, but does not suit all the situations.
·      Everyone is not a natural sourcing professional.

·      The art of selling does not always match with the customer need.

·      Success depends heavily on your personal network.
·      Build long lasting partnerships.

·      Finns start relation with full trust.

·      Cross-cultural differences.
·      Real colleagues are also lifetime friends you can always trust.
·      Learn from Japanese punctuality, hospitality and ability to relax.
·      Don’t worry, be happy.
·      There is always time to have fun.
·      Use your opportunities to enjoy.
·      There is no such thing as free lunch – but feel free to enjoy your dinner.
·      There are moments when it is better to forget your competitive attitude.
·      Take it easy - There are things that you simply cannot impact anyway.
·      Learn to combine business and pleasure.
·      Life remains exciting if you retain your passion to sports.
·      Remember to celebrate the happy endings.
·      Remember to consider risks.
·      Consider customer’s obstacles of buying your product.

·      Controlled risk taking is often rewarded.
·      Do not forget back-up plan.
·      The art of delegation - Remember the risks of delegation.

·      Take technology risks into consideration.
·      You may trust your friends, but not the system.
·      Technology is supposed to help you, but it often fails doing that.
Everyday practical hints
·      What is done cannot be undone - Go on living.

·      The memorable moments are hidden beyond the daily routines.
·      Modern technology may help you, even in the familiar situations.
·      When the dream comes true, you realize that it is not just the moment, but the whole journey that matters.
·      The bigger is not always the better.
·      First impression may be misleading.
·      Money counts.
·      Newest gadgets are not always the most appropriate tools.

·      Reconsider seriously the risks if you have only one credit card (with low credit limit).
·      Do not promise to bring souvenirs every time you travel.
·      The business processes do not always fit for private life.
·      Don’t worry, be happy.
·      Dress warm if you travel to England.
·      It takes only one person to spoil the image of your company.

·      There is still room for product development.


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  2. its wonderful and awesome articles. its very useful information for people

